Today, I’m gonna talk about a subject that brings up a lot of discomfort for couples.
One of the areas that I specialize in is betrayal trauma, and although I offer groups for this topic for both men and women, I work with couples specifically on helping them rebuild after infidelity, as well as addiction.
Oftentimes the couples that I see have struggled with a long history of one of the partners engaging in a longstanding pattern of infidelity, dishonesty, and a long pattern of secrecy.
In the couple’s work that I provide, I will guide you through a foundational, almost boot camp-like exercise, in which you’ll be guided through a process in which I’ll teach each of you how to develop more understanding of how you got to where you’ve arrived to and how we go back to step one and rebuild.
If you’d like support in your relationship, you’re welcome to reach out on the website, or if you would like to see more videos about similar topics, please reach out to my YouTube channel.
I’m happy to extend support. This is an area that requires lived experience, and I provide this through a lens of understanding the walk that’s required.
Please reach out for support at the website. I look forward to providing you a gentle space to begin your healing.