Individual Psychotherapy Services

individual psychotherapy

Individualized services consist of conducting a thorough evaluation of your needs. Together, we will develop a treatment plan that allows for flexibility, accommodations, and areas of growth to reach your goals.

Your first appointment consists of a thorough evaluation. This evaluation is an assessment that contains questions regarding your history. The information provided in the assessment is solely used for Therapeutic purposes and is kept confidential.

You will be asked to provide a history of the following aspects of your life:

  • Family of origin
  • Education
  • Career history
  • Medical conditions
  • Health and nutrition habits
  • Sleeping patterns
  • Relationship history
  • Legal history

Upon completion of the evaluation, we will discuss your personal and professional goals. Together with your provider, a treatment plan is developed.

Finding a provider as a Therapist, is a challenging process. We are human and have our own needs. As a therapist, you balance your own personal stressors with the needs of others. We encourage our clients to take care of their hearts, souls, bodies, and minds. In order to provide our best selves to others, we must nurture our unresolved needs.

Whether you are seeking guidance or a parallel walk together in your healing, therapy is meant to be a collaborative partnership. To be of service to others, requires healthy modeling to our clients. We must first – be a service to ourselves and clean our side of the street before aiding others in their path.

Therapy is a place void of judgment and preconceived notions. Allowing ourselves the gift of vulnerability is an act of growth and gain.

In addition to individual Therapy, we run a Therapist Support group which serves as a soft landing for meeting with other professionals in the field of psychotherapy in private practice. Our group offers a space to normalize our own feelings while balancing our professional stressors.

Your Role in Therapy

Occasionally, you will participate in written reflective healing assignments in session. These writing tasks are not homework. Writing exercises allow you to connect with concepts and develop a framework of your level of understanding. Throughout your time in Therapy, you will be taught specific interventions and tools in which you will be encouraged to begin practicing and implementing outside of sessions.

Outcomes you can expect from Therapy

Upon beginning Therapy, you will be given a step-by-step road map. You will learn how to pay attention to your automated thoughts, confront unnecessary thoughts, and replace beliefs with helpful and purpose-driven thoughts. Within three months of beginning Therapy, you can expect to be able to engage in the following:

  • regulate emotions and impulses in a more meaningful manner
  • learn how to express your feelings
  • improve your emotional well-being
  • improve your thinking
  • improve your relationship with yourself and others
  • create internal motivation for healthy change
  • develop maintenance for daily life interactions.